WordPress from Scratch – part II

Installing WordPress is really one of the easiest pieces of software I have ever installed. Yet, either through a misunderstanding of mine or perhaps a tiny rough edge.

  • upload problems
  • problems with permalinks

One of the things that you can do to make your blog your own is to have a different header photo. The only limitation is that the size of the image should be below 2 megabytes.

appearance - customize - header image - add new image - upload

However, when trying to upload a new header I uncovered a few permission problems. The file will be saved under the wp-content directory. The uploaded photos will be stored under the uploads directory.

Fixing Uploads

One of the things that was missing on the installation was the uploads directory. In addition there were a few other operating system permissions as well.

mkdir /var/www/html/blog/wp-content/uploads
chmod 777 /var/www/html/blog/
chmod 777 /var/www/html/blog/wp-content
chmod 777 /var/www/html/blog/wp-content/uploads

Once these fixes were done, it was possible to upload the new photo without any problems.

Fixing Permalinks

When actually adding a few posts, I noticed that the permalinks didn’t actually work. I kept receiving the following message.

Oops! That page can’t be found.

I have seen a lot of solutions but it appears to simply go into parmalinks and simply press save with or without changing anything.

dashboard -> settings -> permalink


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