I just saw the movie “Don’t look up”
Synopsis – spoiler alert
Two scientists discover a planet killing asteroid that is headed directly towards earth. The story details their difficulties bringing this fact to the government. Once this issue is brought to light there is a lot of realistic twists and turns from denial that this is a realistic threat to other political denials that turn into a yet another conspiracy theory that the asteroid is to control people. The president has a case of the nepotism’s when staffing up her office. Things really get wild when an ultra rich businessman talks the government out of trying to divert the asteroid.
It is difficult to say if this movie was in any way inspired by the United States previous president Trump but unfortunately he did bring along the nepotism by bringing his daughter and son-in-law into the office of the president.
The first 150 or so years seemed to have politicians that were civic minded while in the last decade or so the American politicians seem to be purely partisan. It is telling that in the last 12 years three billionaires have run for president and one has one the position. In the movie the president seemed to be motivated only by winning and money. This in itself does not seem different from the modus operendi of the Trump adminitration.
Even if this parallel does not seem accurate, another true to life parallel was the different deniers of scientific fact and how it was assumed to be a big conspiracy theory. It does not take too much imagination to see this as our current Covid 19 situation with the various vaccine deniers and conspiracy theorists.
The conclusion of the movie was not the typical Hollywood ending but the more likely outcome when reality is ignored and public policy is twisted by economic self interest. With any hope America will go back to electing non-partisan politicians whose goal is the betterment of their citizens both those to voted for them as well as those who didn’t.